The ‘Never Ending’ Party
With Tasha Badding and Sam Higginson Tasha Badding has become an expert at the ‘never ending’ party and has built an incredible customer base. What do we do when the party is over? We don’t want it to end. Keep the party going in your VIP Facebook group. ...
Fortune Favors the Brave
With Shalini Blubaugh and Sam Higginson When we stretch beyond our comfort zones, we make room for growth. Zyia can Are you waiting to be brave in your business, or are you choosing to be brave? Often we think we can start expanding once we reach a certain rank or...
How Having Fun Can Be Your Superpower to Building Your Business
With Natalie Swenson and Sam Higginson When we stretch beyond our comfort zones, we make room for growth. Zyia can provide you with the vehicle to get to your why. Everyone's story is different, so the journey will be different, too. If you're struggling and...
Onboarding New Reps
With Sam Higginson How do we best prepare for the things to come, both next month and the following year? Gaining new customers and bringing in new Reps are essential aspects of our business, but if we aren’t thinking about how...
Recruit with Confidence
With Charmayne Catro and Sam Higginson Charmayne is a double Zyia executive. She followed Katie’s Outfit of the Day (OOTD) posts for a year and finally decided she had to try Zyia for herself. If you’re like many, recruiting is your Achilles’ heel. Charmayne has...
Building Organization Structure with Love
With Lisa Edwards and Sam Higginson Everyone has to decide how they will lead. Lisa Edwards has built a thriving Zyia business, but she admits she struggled in the beginning. Initially, Lisa worried because people didn’t know the brand. She realized that looking...
Recruiting Masterclass
Sam Higginson: Recruiting is one of our highest priorities moving into 2021, and Lindsay Costello understands what needs to be done to become successful. Lindsay lives in southern Illinois. She watched a friend join Zyia a year and a half before she did...
Learning to Talk About the Opportunity
Stephanie Stoecklein is from Pennsylvania, married with two kids, and was a recruiter for Penn State. “Consistency is the key to all the locks, and action cures fear.” When you think about recruiting, that word can be scary. Change the word recruiting to sharing. That...
The Gold is in The Follow-up
With Sam Higginson and Andi Cutchen: Andi Cutchen joined Zyia in April of 2017. Andi is married with four children. She is a personal trainer, and a track and cross-country coach. The follow-up is where the connection is. This is where you create that...
Follow Ups
Social Media
Team Building