Build up to the Pull-Up: A training guide for doing your first pull-up
For some people, achieving a personal fitness goal means scaling a mountain or running a marathon, but the rest of us would be happy to incorporate a little more movement into our routines. Setting achievable goals like performing your first unassisted pull-up can be...

Beginner’s Guide to CrossFit: Know Before You Go
Even if you’re not the most exercise-oriented person, you’ve likely heard of CrossFit and have a vague notion of people flipping truck tires and swinging kettlebells. It’s the kind of exercise regimen that, from the outside, can appear overwhelming and not for the...

How to Pick the Perfect (For You) Running Shoe
They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the first step in your running journey is finding the right pair of shoes. Walk into your local shoe store, and you’ll be greeted with entire walls of running shoes, each slightly different...

The Sweet Stuff: Reduce Your Sugar Intake, Not Life’s Sweet Moments
We just want to eat whatever we want and always be healthy. Pretty please, with sugar on top! Sugar has something of a mixed reputation in the popular consciousness. It’s thought of as both the greatest culinary invention nature has to offer and a crystalline villain...

Pursuing Meaningful Goals: A Guide for Illuminating Your Life
In our teens and twenties, navigating through life's everyday challenges is usually enough to keep us busy and focused. But as we get a handle on “adulting” it’s not uncommon for us grownups to start looking around for ways to feel more fulfilled. Call it a mid-life...

Finding Your Tribe: Making Friends as an Adult
Making friends as an adult can be a challenge. Not only are we busy with work and family, but we adults tend to become less open as we age. In adolescence, we start developing a shell to protect us from rejection, embarrassment, and vulnerability. While your...

Living PFAS-Free
Safeguard Your Household and Wardrobe from “Forever Chemicals” Most of us are already trying to eat cleaner, use more organic products, and avoid harmful chemicals. But have you heard the term "forever chemicals" and wondered what it means? Or have you avoided finding...

Embracing Change
Strategies for an Uplifted Approach to Life’s Transitions Life is an ever-changing journey filled with transitions, big and small. Change is inevitable, whether switching careers, starting a family, moving to a new city, or embarking on a personal growth journey....

Active Anywhere: Workouts for the hotel, airport, and plane.
It's June and we're kicking off our Summer to Shine with a month celebrating Activity. But summer is also our busiest travel season, which can directly conflict with fitness routines. Long hours spent in airports, cars, or airplanes are the first problem. But we can...

Have Your Cake and Let it Nourish You, Too
Nutrient-dense baking swaps to try today.Love baking but hate the empty calories? Believe it or not, having your cake and not having to call it a cheat meal is possible. Home bakers can pack their favorite treats with nutrients, protein, and fiber with a few simple...

Self-Care Hacks for People Pleasers
HOW TO MAKE SURE YOU'RE NOT COMING LASTDo you have a hard time saying "no"? If you take on too many tasks, leaving little time for yourself, you're not alone. Many of us struggle with setting boundaries and prioritizing our own needs. Being eager to help those you...

Five Stroller Running Tips to Get You Off the Treadmill
Those first few months (or years, let’s be honest) after you bring a baby home have a way of throwing any sense of normalcy out the window. It isn’t unusual for new parents to find themselves tethered the house more than they like. And like any other part of your...

Strength Training Myths Women Need to Forget
Strength training is a great way to strengthen not just your muscles, but also your relationship with your body. It allows you to find your limits and then, through consistency and hard work, break through them. But lifting weights has historically been seen as an...

Get Those Veggies In
Tips for eating a more plant-centered diet in 2023 You can make positive changes in your life at any time, but there’s something about the new year and the calendar resetting which provides a hard line for lifestyle adjustments. As we enter 2023, you may be looking...

Enjoy the Holidays While Hitting Your Nutritional Goals
Eating to fuel your mind and body always takes a little more strategy and planning than eating the “Standard American Diet.” But the holiday season can make it feel like the whole world is out to tempt you with empty calories, over-eating, and excess salt, fat, and...

7 Moves for Staying Strong Through Winter
Look to these workout moves when you can’t go outside. The snow is coming down, the sidewalks are slippery, and it’s just too cold to exercise outside. But you still want to stay on track with your fitness goals and enjoy the benefits of moving your body. Don’t...

Opting Out to Create the Lifestyle of Your Dreams
Five Reasons to Say No More Often There's nothing wrong with a busy lifestyle if it's what you love, but the chronic stress of being overburdened can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and burnout. Coping strategies like exercise, better nutrition, and being...

How to Create a Community Event Without Burning Out
We can establish long-lasting relationships and build a stronger sense of community when we meet face to face. Getting together lets us share ideas, goals, and common interests, plus learn from each other and have fun. But for the organizer, special events can create...

Creating a Positive Team Dynamic
5 Tips to Uplift Your Team A leader's role is to ensure their team accomplishes their common goal. They need to keep their team motivated, provide training, and encourage the group to work together. But it becomes difficult to accomplish anything when there's...

7 Beach Reads to Light up Your Summer
You’ve been looking forward to your trip for months. At last, the time has come to de-stress with some sun, nature, and ocean air. Your SPF 50 is slathered on and your icy drink is at hand. You’ve taken care of your body, but what about your mind?Consuming uplifting...

Summer Workouts: Your Guide to Beating the Heat
With summer on the way, most of us have begun transitioning some of our active time to the great outdoors. Then all too soon, these lovely early summer days can turn hot and zap our motivation. But hot weather workouts are all...

What TikTok can Teach Us about Functional Fitness
Viral fitness videos are taking social media by storm. Challenges like the “old man test” make us realize we may not have the great balance we thought. One of the most popular trends is the “broomstick challenge.” This task requires the subject to hold a broomstick...

Destination Fitness
Rediscover fitness during your next vacation. Many of us know we want to get more exercise. But we don't know where to start, or we get discouraged when we can't change our schedules to make time. Or maybe, we simply aren't sure what will interest us. Vacations...

Your Perfect Beach Body is Already Here
It’s March and some of us are already beginning to stress about getting a perfect beach body before summer arrives. And no wonder. We're constantly inundated with messages from billboards, television, and social media about what makes an attractive body. Often...

14 Active Date Ideas to Make Your Hearts Beat Faster
It’s date night, and it’s your turn to plan it. Instead of going for the same old dinner and a movie, you can spark your relationship through dates that not only support a healthy lifestyle, but also offer quality time together. Here are 14 date ideas to help you and...