Get Those Veggies In

Get Those Veggies In

Tips for eating a more plant-centered diet in 2023 You can make positive changes in your life at any time, but there’s something about the new year and the calendar resetting which provides a hard line for lifestyle adjustments. As we enter 2023, you may be looking...
Enjoy the Holidays While Hitting Your Nutritional Goals

Enjoy the Holidays While Hitting Your Nutritional Goals

Eating to fuel your mind and body always takes a little more strategy and planning than eating the “Standard American Diet.” But the holiday season can make it feel like the whole world is out to tempt you with empty calories, over-eating, and excess salt, fat, and...
7 Moves for Staying Strong Through Winter

7 Moves for Staying Strong Through Winter

Look to these workout moves when you can’t go outside. The snow is coming down, the sidewalks are slippery, and it’s just too cold to exercise outside. But you still want to stay on track with your fitness goals and enjoy the benefits of moving your body. Don’t...
Opting Out to Create the Lifestyle of Your Dreams

Opting Out to Create the Lifestyle of Your Dreams

Five Reasons to Say No More Often There’s nothing wrong with a busy lifestyle if it’s what you love, but the chronic stress of being overburdened can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and burnout. Coping strategies like exercise, better...
How to Create a Community Event Without Burning Out

How to Create a Community Event Without Burning Out

We can establish long-lasting relationships and build a stronger sense of community when we meet face to face. Getting together lets us share ideas, goals, and common interests, plus learn from each other and have fun. But for the organizer, special events can create...
Creating a Positive Team Dynamic

Creating a Positive Team Dynamic

5 Tips to Uplift Your Team A leader’s role is to ensure their team accomplishes their common goal. They need to keep their team motivated, provide training, and encourage the group to work together. But it becomes difficult to accomplish anything when...