Light Up Your Life

Light Up Your Life

How to Be the Light You Need in the World 2021 Summer to Shine Series, Part 4 Of all of Zyia’s Pillars, Light is the hardest one to define. But it’s simple if you think about it as whatever makes you “light up.” What experiences fill you with purpose, optimism,...


Reengage with Community in a Post Pandemic World 2021 Summer to Shine Series, Part 3 As regions across North America come out from under Covid restrictions, our options for getting together are becoming more plentiful. Businesses are reopening, concerts are back on...
Let the Light Shine In

Let the Light Shine In

Four light-enhancing skills to master this month Light is our favorite of Zyia Active’s four pillars and also the most challenging to define. We like to think of Light as anything that lifts our spirits while also making us feel aligned with our values and...
Five Ways to Get Out of Your Exercise Rut

Five Ways to Get Out of Your Exercise Rut

Activity is nothing less than the stuff of life. Regular exercise keeps us feeling younger, elevates our mood, and boosts our immune system. But occasionally, anyone can find themselves in a rut. How can you reinvigorate a workout routine that no longer excites you?...
Seven Ways to Uplift the People Around You

Seven Ways to Uplift the People Around You

Life under lockdown was tough for many reasons, but coming out of quarantine can be just as fraught. Every state, every county, even every family, has a different view of what’s safe and unsafe. But one thing is universal: we could all use a little pick-me-up...