Enjoy the Holidays While Hitting Your Nutritional Goals

Enjoy the Holidays While Hitting Your Nutritional Goals

Eating to fuel your mind and body always takes a little more strategy and planning than eating the “Standard American Diet.” But the holiday season can make it feel like the whole world is out to tempt you with empty calories, over-eating, and excess salt, fat, and...
14 Active Date Ideas to Make Your Hearts Beat Faster

14 Active Date Ideas to Make Your Hearts Beat Faster

It’s date night, and it’s your turn to plan it. Instead of going for the same old dinner and a movie, you can spark your relationship through dates that not only support a healthy lifestyle, but also offer quality time together. Here are 14 date ideas to help you and...
Improving Your Mental Strength in 2022

Improving Your Mental Strength in 2022

Getting into shape is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions, and for good reason. All those holiday treats will make anyone feel like they need to repent. But one of the most overlooked New Year’s resolutions is getting in shape mentally. Why focus on mental...
Enjoying Mindful Holidays

Enjoying Mindful Holidays

How to maintain your focus and energy through the holidays. The holidays are crazy for the average person. But for business owners, leaders, and parents, that schedule is extra packed. In spite of all your roles, and because of them, you deserve to feel relaxed during...
Using Gratitude to Make Your Holidays Bright

Using Gratitude to Make Your Holidays Bright

It’s evening, and you’ve brushed your teeth and climbed into bed. Then you open your favorite news app. The next things you see are “doom and gloom” stories about supply shortages, travel dangers, or the threat of new virus outbreaks. Suddenly,...