Beginner’s Guide to CrossFit: Know Before You Go

Beginner’s Guide to CrossFit: Know Before You Go

Even if you’re not the most exercise-oriented person, you’ve likely heard of CrossFit and have a vague notion of people flipping truck tires and swinging kettlebells. It’s the kind of exercise regimen that, from the outside, can appear overwhelming and not for the...
Five Stroller Running Tips to Get You Off the Treadmill

Five Stroller Running Tips to Get You Off the Treadmill

Those first few months (or years, let’s be honest) after you bring a baby home have a way of throwing any sense of normalcy out the window. It isn’t unusual for new parents to find themselves tethered the house more than they like. And like any other part of your...
Summer Workouts: Your Guide to Beating the Heat

Summer Workouts: Your Guide to Beating the Heat

With summer on the way, most of us have begun transitioning some of our active time to the great outdoors. Then all too soon, these lovely early summer days can turn hot and zap our motivation. But hot weather workouts are all about being strategic. With some planning...
What TikTok can Teach Us about Functional Fitness      

What TikTok can Teach Us about Functional Fitness      

Viral fitness videos are taking social media by storm. Challenges like the “old man test” make us realize we may not have the great balance we thought. One of the most popular trends is the “broomstick challenge.” This task requires the subject to hold a broomstick...