Light Up Your Life

Light Up Your Life

How to Be the Light You Need in the World 2021 Summer to Shine Series, Part 4 Of all of Zyia’s Pillars, Light is the hardest one to define. But it’s simple if you think about it as whatever makes you “light up.” What experiences fill you with purpose, optimism,...
Uplift Your Life

Uplift Your Life

10 Ways to Uplift Yourself and Those Around You 2021 Summer to Shine Series, Part 2 While the pandemic is quickly fading into memory, there’s still plenty to get us down if we focus on the negative (politics, drought conditions, the current NBA...
Activate Your Day

Activate Your Day

10 Ways to Get in More Activity When You Don’t Have More Time 2021 Summer to Shine Series, Part 1 We all know activity is essential for health and overall wellbeing, but some days it’s so hard to work it into the schedule. Don’t let a lack of time keep you sedentary,...
Build Resilience with Acts of Service

Build Resilience with Acts of Service

Serving others is a great tool for building resilience that might seem counterintuitive. After all, isn’t the point of being resilient to smooth the bumps in your own life?  Service is a key part of resilience for a...
Rituals, Routines, and Self-care

Rituals, Routines, and Self-care

When circumstances and events are beyond your control, having established routines and rituals can be both calming and comforting. In fact, having a steady base of routines and rituals is one of several strategies for building a more resilient life. There’s something...