Your Perfect Beach Body is Already Here

Your Perfect Beach Body is Already Here

It’s March and some of us are already beginning to stress about getting a perfect beach body before summer arrives. And no wonder. We’re constantly inundated with messages from billboards, television, and social media about what makes an attractive body. ...
14 Active Date Ideas to Make Your Hearts Beat Faster

14 Active Date Ideas to Make Your Hearts Beat Faster

It’s date night, and it’s your turn to plan it. Instead of going for the same old dinner and a movie, you can spark your relationship through dates that not only support a healthy lifestyle, but also offer quality time together. Here are 14 date ideas to help you and...
Uplift Your Life

Uplift Your Life

10 Ways to Uplift Yourself and Those Around You 2021 Summer to Shine Series, Part 2 While the pandemic is quickly fading into memory, there’s still plenty to get us down if we focus on the negative (politics, drought conditions, the current NBA...
Activate Your Day

Activate Your Day

10 Ways to Get in More Activity When You Don’t Have More Time 2021 Summer to Shine Series, Part 1 We all know activity is essential for health and overall wellbeing, but some days it’s so hard to work it into the schedule. Don’t let a lack of time keep you sedentary,...