Enjoy the Holidays While Hitting Your Nutritional Goals

Enjoy the Holidays While Hitting Your Nutritional Goals

Eating to fuel your mind and body always takes a little more strategy and planning than eating the “Standard American Diet.” But the holiday season can make it feel like the whole world is out to tempt you with empty calories, over-eating, and excess salt, fat, and...
7 Moves for Staying Strong Through Winter

7 Moves for Staying Strong Through Winter

Look to these workout moves when you can’t go outside. The snow is coming down, the sidewalks are slippery, and it’s just too cold to exercise outside. But you still want to stay on track with your fitness goals and enjoy the benefits of moving your body. Don’t...
Summer Workouts: Your Guide to Beating the Heat

Summer Workouts: Your Guide to Beating the Heat

With summer on the way, most of us have begun transitioning some of our active time to the great outdoors. Then all too soon, these lovely early summer days can turn hot and zap our motivation. But hot weather workouts are all about being strategic. With some planning...
What TikTok can Teach Us about Functional Fitness      

What TikTok can Teach Us about Functional Fitness      

Viral fitness videos are taking social media by storm. Challenges like the “old man test” make us realize we may not have the great balance we thought. One of the most popular trends is the “broomstick challenge.” This task requires the subject to hold a broomstick...
Destination Fitness     

Destination Fitness     

Rediscover fitness during your next vacation. Many of us know we want to get more exercise. But we don’t know where to start, or we get discouraged when we can’t change our schedules to make time. Or maybe, we simply aren’t sure what will interest...