Improving Your Mental Strength in 2022
Getting into shape is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions, and for good reason. All those holiday treats will make anyone feel like they need to repent. But one of the most overlooked New Year’s resolutions is getting in shape mentally. Why focus on mental...

Enjoying Mindful Holidays
How to maintain your focus and energy through the holidays. The holidays are crazy for the average person. But for business owners, leaders, and parents, that schedule is extra packed. In spite of all your roles, and because of them, you deserve to feel relaxed during...

Using Gratitude to Make Your Holidays Bright
It's evening, and you've brushed your teeth and climbed into bed. Then you open your favorite news app. The next things you see are "doom and gloom" stories about supply shortages, travel dangers, or the threat of new virus outbreaks. Suddenly, the holidays feel...

How to Shop for Squat-Proof Leggings
Not all leggings are squat proof, and no one wants to find that out while doing squats in a crowded gym. In fact, the best time is before you buy them. Here are some pro tips when you're shopping for your next pair of leggings. Pair Your Leggings with Your...

Light Up Your Life
How to Be the Light You Need in the World 2021 Summer to Shine Series, Part 4 Of all of Zyia’s Pillars, Light is the hardest one to define. But it’s simple if you think about it as whatever makes you “light up.” What experiences fill you with purpose, optimism,...

Reengage with Community in a Post Pandemic World 2021 Summer to Shine Series, Part 3 As regions across North America come out from under Covid restrictions, our options for getting together are becoming more plentiful. Businesses are reopening, concerts are back on...

Uplift Your Life
10 Ways to Uplift Yourself and Those Around You 2021 Summer to Shine Series, Part 2 While the pandemic is quickly fading into memory, there’s still plenty to get us down if we focus on the negative (politics, drought conditions, the current NBA...

Activate Your Day
10 Ways to Get in More Activity When You Don’t Have More Time 2021 Summer to Shine Series, Part 1 We all know activity is essential for health and overall wellbeing, but some days it’s so hard to work it into the schedule. Don’t let a lack of time keep you sedentary,...

Build Resilience with Acts of Service
Serving others is a great tool for building resilience that might seem counterintuitive. After all, isn’t the point of being resilient to smooth the bumps in your own life? Service is a key part of resilience for a...

Rituals, Routines, and Self-care
When circumstances and events are beyond your control, having established routines and rituals can be both calming and comforting. In fact, having a steady base of routines and rituals is one of several strategies for building a more resilient life. There’s something...

Maintaining Perspective and Letting Go
With so many things that are beyond our control, it can be hard to manage stress. This becomes even more difficult when circumstances are constantly changing, and the outcomes are unpredictable. Hello, 2020! But two cornerstones of a happier, more resilient life are...

Building and Strengthening Connections
Tips for teams near and distant. One of the most important things you can do to improve your business is to build and maintain strong connections with your team members and with customers. Here are some ways to build and maintain those connections, even when you’re at...

Mentoring Your Team to Success
Direct sales is a unique business model. We all rely on our teams to be successful, but each of us is also our own boss, running a small business. How can we lead a new team member to success if they don’t actually report to us in a traditional way? The answer is to...

Eight Ways to Take the Stress out of Holidays in 2020
Holidays can be stressful, even in the best of times. As we navigate a new way to celebrate the holidays, including being physically separated from loved ones, it becomes essential to make caring for yourself a priority. Here are some ideas on how to reduce your...

Zyia Active CEO Wins National Entrepreneur Award
Ernst & Young LLP recently named Erin Bradley, the CEO and founder of Zyia Active, an Entrepreneur Of The Year®2020 National Award winner following selection as a Utah regional award winner in October. The Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards program is one of the...

Seven Moves for Taking Activewear to the Office
One of the perks to working from home is the ability to dress for comfort. After all, unless you are on a video call, no one will ever know that you live in yoga pants now. As more and more businesses are transitioning back to the office, wardrobe choices matter...

ZYIA Active CEO and Founder Named Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020, Utah Region Award Winner
We are pleased to announce that its CEO and founder Erin Bradley was recently named an Ernst & Young LLP (EY) Entrepreneur Of The Year® Utah Region Award winner. The Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards program is one of the preeminent competitive awards for...

How to Create Your Own Costume by Shopping Your Closet
Halloween is just around the corner, and with it comes the question, “What am I going to be this year?” A great costume doesn’t have to cost a fortune. This year shop your closet! Use what you already have to create a fun costume that’s comfortable to wear all night...

Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Your Closet
When we think of protecting the planet, we think of recycling, using energy-efficient light bulbs, and shopping with reusable bags. We usually don’t think about our closets, but we should. The average North American tosses out 80 pounds of textiles per person per...

Let the Light Shine In
Light is our favorite of Zyia Active’s four pillars and also the most challenging to define. We like to think of Light as anything that lifts our spirits while also making us feel aligned with our values and connected to others.

Five Ways to Get Out of Your Exercise Rut
How can you reinvigorate a workout routine that no longer excites you? Try these five ideas.

Seven Ways to Uplift the People Around You
Life under lockdown was tough for many reasons, but coming out of quarantine can be just as fraught. Every state, every county, even every family, has a different view of what's safe and unsafe. But one thing is universal: we could all use a little pick-me-up right...

Strengthening Your Communities During Social Distancing
We're all tied to a variety of communities, both professional and personal. While our connections to them might ebb and flow, never before have those ties been snipped all at once. If you're suddenly feeling unmoored during Social Distancing, you're in good—if...

Seven Questions to Ask Your Sponsor Before Joining a Direct Sales Company
Maybe you were already considering a side hustle. Or perhaps recent events have shown you how critical a work-from-anywhere business could be to your family’s stability. Whatever the reason, you've been looking at a few direct-selling opportunities and trying to...

Discovering Your “It” and How to Bring It Every Day
At Zyia Active, we have the unique privilege of watching women and men succeed—often, to their own surprise. We delight every day in hearing their stories. If there’s any common thread, it’s this: they were all capable of more than they believed. All it took was a...