
Leveraging Your Community
With Lindsey Donnellan and Sam Higginson “You don't wake up one day, and suddenly you're a double Zyia director; it takes some serious effort.“ Lindsey Donnellan fell in love with Zyia from the start. Although Zyia is for everyone, she felt strongly that she needed...

Put a Party On It!
With Amy Ward and Sam Higginson There comes a time when even the best Zyia Reps hit bumps in the business road. We’ve all been there and sailed through to the other side. Amy Ward, a Zyia Elite, says the solution to any Zyia business problem lies in hosting a Zyia...

Coaching Your Hostesses
Parties are important to us because: How we grow our businessHow we grow our customer baseHow we expand our networkHow we add new teammates What to do before the party begins: One to two weeks before a party, have a conversation with your Hostess and make sure that...
Follow Ups
Social Media
Team Building