With Charmayne Catro and Sam Higginson
Charmayne is a double Zyia executive. She followed Katie’s Outfit of the Day (OOTD) posts for a year and finally decided she had to try Zyia for herself.
If you’re like many, recruiting is your Achilles’ heel. Charmayne has some proven tips to help you get comfortable with recruiting and building your team.
Tip 1: Get into people’s Messengers.
You’re not sending those ‘Hey Girl’ messages that are formulaic. If someone has a birthday or a special event happen, send them a congratulatory direct message. If you base recruiting on making and nourishing connections with people, you’ll see the Zyia opportunity will come up naturally.
Voice memos are a great tool that allows people to hear the genuine heart and excitement in your voice. Try following hashtags that are relatable to you and strike up conversations that way. It’s a way to forge a connection, even when it’s a stranger.
Stay Tip 2: Parties are the lifeline to the Zyia business.
But parties are a fantastic opportunity to ask party-goers if they’re interested in being blessed with the Zyia opportunity. Have one post in your party about how being a Rep has blessed you and why you love it. Keep it simple!
Before a party starts, ask if the hostess has thought about joining Zyia and talk about the benefits. During the party, send another short message to check-in. Then follow up at the end—ask every hostess about cashing in those credit rewards toward the starter kit.
Message every single person in the party. It takes time, but it’s worth it. And don’t be afraid to friend request the people you message.
Tip 3: Talk about the Rep opportunity as Zyia’s best product.
The more you can talk about it, the more confident and comfortable you’re going to get! Think about who needs this blessing in their lives. Have your ‘why’ handy and share why Zyia has blessed you. If you make sharing a habit, you will become more confident talking about the Rep opportunity.
Aim high!
“If people tell you no, you can fall back on a party, a sale, or the VIP group.”
Tip 4: Talk about the Rep opportunity outside of the VIP group.
Building a few moments to care for yourself is vital. Make yourself a priority! SoYour VIP group is just a tiny fraction of the people you interact with every day, so you must get comfortable with taking Zyia outside of the group. Share what you love about being a Rep on your main social media! You can sprinkle Zyia-themed posts in with your regular posts and stories. On Wednesdays, show everyone how exciting it is to cash out your rewards.
Never Settle
Make your goals non-negotiable.
In Zyia, we often hear about the formula: 3 reps, four parties, $2500 in sales. Make that your target! You are more likely to achieve it if you always have this goal going into every single month. Every conversation is worth it and is a planted seed. Don’t be discouraged that it may take time to harvest from the seeds you planted.
“You’re never going to regret having a conversation about this Rep opportunity. “
Join us each Monday at 1 pm MST for our weekly series of trainings with industry expert Sam Higginson.